“Ideas worth spreading.”

This past week, I attended TEDxFargo, our community’s annual event.

I dig TEDxFargo. I dig TED talks. I dig pretty much any type of conference, event, or learning opportunity. I love the inspiration, connections, and change of pace a day like this offers and I’m grateful my company and boss encouraged me to attend.


Unpacking my notes & inspiration from TEDxFargo

As one would expect from a TED event, there were a ton of great speakers and different reasons for their greatness. They all varied in their style and delivery and the way they connected their stories to the key message. I jotted down a ton of notes and walked away with a lot of inspiration for story ideas.

But outside of the new ideas and fresh inspiration, one of the things I love about events is they’re often a good reminder of what we already know. They’re things we don’t always think about and we need to hear, like why to take a rest day or hey, you – drink more water.

All of this in mind, I figured this week’s blog would be inspired by TEDxFargo…the big question was which message or key piece of inspiration would I start with?

I had a tough time choosing just one. Oh, the irony! So instead, I want to share 10 of my favorite quotes from TEDxFargo speakers, the messages that most resonated with me.

1. A woman named Ashley proved that being crafty and creative is good for our wellness (I’m onboard but I still suck at it…does writing count?).

2. A man named Dave reminded us that there’s something more important, bigger than any one person or business goals – community (it’s all about community).

3. A human beatbox named Bjorn made me think about the value of cardio conditioning for our everyday lives (duh) and the importance of good breathing technique (ah ha!).

TED in Fargo

Energy & lots of it at TED in Fargo

4. A woman named Aneela bravely gave us the okay to come to terms with what we’re ashamed of in ourselves (hi, I’m Lindsay and I’m an aggressive sweater).

5. A man named Lonnie made the case for a simple approach to life and stuff (hello, minimalism).

6. A woman named Sady opened our eyes to, instead of seeing someone’s disability, to see their ability (and not to judge a book by its cover).

7. A woman named Jean asked us to think about the perspective, “What if life really is all about learning lessons?” (and not in the adult-wagging-their-finger, ‘I hope you learned your lesson’ way.)

8. A man named Cory challenged us to rethink the way we measure and evaluate our childrens’ success (and perhaps our own).

9. A man named David pointed out that great things are accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit (true teamwork).

10. A woman named Annie encouraged us to embrace our weirdness (I mean, we’re all a little weird, right?).

I imagine several forthcoming blogs that will be inspired by the words I heard, ideas that came to me, and notes I scribbled at this year’s TED event in Fargo. But, for now, I hope these little takeaways are something you can chew on, too.

Did you attend TEDxFargo or have you attended a TED event, either in person or watch a talk that resonated? What’s a powerful lesson you’ve learned from a TED talk – bonus if it has a wellness component. The comments are your space to share thoughts so please do so. Or, connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter.


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