Finding a Way for Wellness

“And now I’ll do what’s best for me” Last week, something kind of crazy happened. Something that hasn’t happened in, I can’t even remember how long. The kind of thing I don’t allow to happen because I’m a super-disciplined, high-achieving, schedule-driven nut. I...

Feeling the Olympic Spirit

“Train with purpose” After a long wait, it’s finally here again – the Winter Olympics. I love the Olympics. Unlike most, I enjoy watching the Winter games equally as much as I enjoy the Summer edition. Downhill skiing, figure skating, hockey, and my personal favorite,...

Why I Love Running

“You make my heart beat faster” Last week, I came to a tough and literally painful realization. At 32 weeks pregnant, I laced up my running shoes and hit the treadmill for the last time until Baby P aka p-nut arrives. I’ve reached the point where I’m feeling pain...

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