by lindsaybabb | Apr 26, 2020 | Running in Real Life
“Start where you are.” There are many reasons to run. Even with all the positives, some people want no part of it. They hate it. They think it sucks. I get it. I used to be one of these people. One of my first blogs ever was about how I went from hating running to...
by lindsaybabb | Apr 19, 2020 | Running in Real Life
“Creativity is contagious. Let’s pass it on.” If you’re like me, and most runners, you save your race medals, bibs, and other various race day goods. If you’re like me, and most runners, you probably have intentions of doing something creative to display or save this...
by lindsaybabb | Apr 5, 2020 | Wellness in Real Life
“Just put on pants.” Acquire a new skill. Try a new workout. Start a podcast. Learn a new language. Write a book. Wow, with all the pressure already on the world not to collapse, there’s suddenly a ton of pressure on all of us to improve ourselves or accomplish a...