by lindsaybabb | May 31, 2020 | Running in Real Life
“Run strong, run smart, run safe.” June happens to be a month with a few important running dates. June 3 is Global Running Day. June 25 is Gabe Grunewald’s birthday, June 11 is when she died – I include the latter, too because I believe both days are wonderful reasons...
by lindsaybabb | May 21, 2020 | Wellness in Real Life
“That’s high quality H2O.” Longer days. More sunshine. Increased outdoor time. Lots of running outside. Ah, the spoils of summer. It’s hard to believe we’re talking about summer. It feels like the winter was endless and we’ve barely had a chance to enjoy spring...
by lindsaybabb | May 10, 2020 | Running in Real Life
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” This week’s blog comes on the heels of a good week – and one that could have been a rough one. Saturday was supposed to be the Fargo Marathon. I trained for the marathon through most of the early part of this year and,...
by lindsaybabb | May 3, 2020 | Eating in Real Life
“Life is what you bake of it.” Lately I’ve been doing more cooking and baking – and by ‘more’ I mean I’ve baked muffins twice in the past two weekends and have made actual meals with leftovers a couple times too. I typically don’t do much of either; I strive for quick...
by lindsaybabb | Apr 26, 2020 | Running in Real Life
“Start where you are.” There are many reasons to run. Even with all the positives, some people want no part of it. They hate it. They think it sucks. I get it. I used to be one of these people. One of my first blogs ever was about how I went from hating running to...