What Are You Willing to Sacrifice to Achieve a New Year’s Resolution?
“The most important decision about your goals is not what you’re willing to do to achieve them, but what you’re willing to give up.”
This time of year, it’s all about the 12 days of Christmas. Content is no different, everyone’s creating blogs around the 12 days of Christmas. I know, I’ve done it myself. Anyone remember the 12 days of Fitmas?
This year, I’m changing it up and tying it into my annual New Year’s Resolutions blog.
Instead of focusing on the 12 Days of Christmas, I’d like to shift focus to an important timeframe in the resolution-making process. Or, at least, what can be an important time: the six days between Christmas and the New Year.
Focusing New Year’s Goals
These are the last days of the year. While not enough time to make any big changes to achieve those 2019 goals set earlier in the year, there is one big mindset shift that can be made to help further new goals in 2020 and beyond.

I will never sacrifice waffles – which is why I’ll never set a goal to be a bodybuilder.
Forget the fact I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions and why they fail. Instead, I’ll embrace it – if this happens to be the time of year someone feels energized to set a goal and work to achieve it, I’m all in on that.
That’s where I’m going to focus this post and encourage resolution-ers to focus the next six days – the work to achieve a goal. But not so much what a person is willing to do, but what they’re willing NOT to do.
Tradeoffs and Sacrifice
One of the hidden sides of success isn’t the planning and hard work that goes into it. I think we’re all aware of that by now.
The piece that doesn’t get talked about enough is the reality behind the hard work. It’s often not what we do but what we don’t do that ultimately makes or breaks a goal. It’s what you’re willing to give up, sacrifice, or trade off to achieve a goal.
I’ll share an example. Every year for the past decade (with the exception of the year I gave birth), I’ve run a marathon. I believe, what everyone sees, knows, and understands about that goal is all the stuff that goes into achieving it.
Everyone knows I have a training plan. Everyone knows I go running often. Everyone knows I do yoga. Maybe even people know I strategically plan rest days.
What I believe isn’t seen, known, and understood is all the stuff I DON’T do that helps me achieve that goal. I don’t sleep past 5:30 most days. I don’t slack on weights. I don’t go out for happy hours or Friday nights. I don’t skip workouts (unless I’m very sick or there’s an emergency with my child).
In order to achieve something, tradeoffs are part of the deal.

Sleeping in – one thing I’m willing to give up, even on Saturdays.
Goal to drink more water? It’s likely that giving up some soda, coffee, or other beverage will go along with it.
Goal to work out every weekday? Either sleeping later or a free evening time will have to go.
Goal to meal prep lunch every day? You’ll have to give up restaurant lunches and the choice of what you’re going to eat that day.
Goal to save money? Perhaps you’re willing to give up that morning Starbucks, or make a larger, one-time tradeoff, like take a shorter, more modest vacation vs. a long, lavish one?
Achieve a New Year’s Resolution This Year
When setting a New Year’s Resolution this time, take more time to really think about it. Be realistic with yourself – what you’re willing to give up and what you’re not.
You have a certain number of hours every day, a set of existing habits, other daily lifestyle choices, most of which are engrained. What is realistic to change?
Having a New Year’s Resolution and all kinds of energy to achieve it today doesn’t add more hours to your day or magically break habits or lifestyle choices, so you have to figure out the tradeoffs you’re going to make so it can happen.
I wish you luck in your 2020 endeavors! Are you making a New Year’s Resolution now? What’s your goal for 2020?
The comments are your space to share thoughts so please do so. Or, connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to Wellness in Real Life so you get every new blog post straight to your inbox.
Instead of Fighting, Let’s Learn a Few Lessons from Peloton’s Controversial Holiday Commercial
“Keep you coming back for more”
This damn holiday Peloton commercial. I don’t want to talk about it because I’m sick of it, but I also feel there’s a side to it that hasn’t been properly addressed that needs to be.
If you haven’t seen it…I don’t think that’s even possible. It’s on all the time. It’s all over the internet. It’s brought more exposure to Peloton and the actress in the commercial, Monica Ruiz, than either probably imagined.
I’m not here to argue about the quality or message of this commercial, especially at this point. The topic has been hashed and rehashed enough. From what I’ve seen, I believe 95% of people are fine with, even supportive of it, it’s the remaining 5% who are offended by it.
And all the chatter is not because the outraged 5% are louder. It’s because, for as many people who believe the commercial is offensive, for promoting everything “a controlling husband” to “a skinny woman who doesn’t need to work out,” there are five times as many people who are defending it.
That’s where the real noise is coming from this debate – people trying to bring the haters back to reality and share the positivity of the message, the reality of fitness and wellness.

Thick thighs. A belly. Big butt. Say it with me – thin doesn’t equal healthy.
And that’s what I want to talk about, the message that’s trying to shine through the dark clouds. Actually, there are two messages that really stand out to me because I believe they’re still widely-held misconceptions about wellness, plus one additional lesson that applies beyond wellness.
So here’s what we can learn from Peloton, in general, and the controversial Peloton Christmas commercial.
Lesson #1
Thin does not equal healthy.
Let me repeat that for those in the back who didn’t hear it: Just because a person is thin, does not mean they are healthy.
Part of the outrage over this commercial is that the actress (remember, people, she’s an actress. It’s a commercial. This isn’t real life) is thin. So, the critics believe that this could be a harmful message…because, in the minds of those who don’t get it, people only work out to lose weight.
A thin person may not be healthy; flip side, a “not-thin” person may be extremely healthy. In case I haven’t said it enough or there’s more to this topic one needs to read to understand, here’s another example, highlighting the fit, healthy bodies of professional athletes.
There’s really no further explanation needed to this key lesson everyone can take away – but, just in case it’s still not clear, I’ll use a different word to make sure everyone understands: skinny does not equal healthy.
Okay then, moving on.
Lesson #2
Fitness is not the only aspect to wellness.
I think this is the bigger takeaway here. Sure, fitness is probably the first thing most of us think about when we think of wellness. But there’s so much more to having a fit lifestyle that translates to overall wellness.
Building on the outrage of lesson #1, there’s so much more to working out than weight management. The story I believe Peloton was trying to portray with the commercial is a person who gained confidence, perhaps cardiovascular health, maybe even stress management, by adding exercise to her life.
So let’s explore some of the other aspects of wellness that come from exercise that have nothing to do with weight loss – because, in case you forgot, a thin person is not always a healthy person. Making sure that’s clear. Just in case, here’s another example, using Nike’s plus-size mannequin to illustrate the point.
First, and most importantly, stress management. Holy shit are we, Americans in general, stressed. People have all sorts of unhealthy ways they deal with stress like un-mindful (I may have just invented that word) overeating, smoking, drinking too much alcohol and sugary caffeinated beverages, and taking copious amounts of medication.

Food is fuel – and sometimes, that fuel is chocolate and peanut butter.
Exercise, I believe, is the best medicine. It honestly changes the makeup of the brain, happiness, focus, perspective, all of it, and encourages a strong work ethic in other areas of life.
Second, putting better things in our bodies. As mentioned, people aren’t always putting the best stuff in their bodies. From sugary, caffeinated drinks to foods with no nutritional value, many are missing out big time on the benefits of drinking water and eating veggies.
That’s not to say eating candy and ice cream and having coffee are bad. Quite the opposite, actually – there are no “bad” foods that should never be consumed. There are, however, food and beverage choices that are best for each individual. For me, it’s water, veggies, and Reese’s. Damn if I don’t love Reese’s.
It’s something different for everyone. The point is, exercise tends to encourage options that make us feel our best, the options that fuel our bodies, make us feel energized, and avoid the feelings of sluggishness.
Third, sleep – there’s a lot of sleep deprivation going on and I’m not just talking about new parents (high-fives to you, you’re dong a great job!). Exercise encourages better sleep. Simple.
These are just three examples of positives that come from exercise and have nothing to do with weight loss. Because, in case there’s any confusion out there, a thin body doesn’t equal a healthy body.
Seriously, I can’t undervalue the benefits of steady, consistent, committed exercise and I think it’s why it’s the one topic on which I have and always will take a strong stance.

Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!
You don’t have to do it, at the end of the day it’s none of my business if you choose not to – but I can’t say enough good things about it. And, again, it’s about so much more than body shape and losing a few pounds…because I’m not sure if that’s clear to everyone.
Lesson #3
Hard Work and Commitment Are Important
The concepts of hard work, discipline, taking responsibility, and committing to oneself seem to be lacking in our world today. Not everyone, mind you – high-fives to everyone who shows up and works hard.
In general, there’s more focus and interest in shortcuts or taking credit without the work or blaming others. Lose 30 pounds in one month with no exercise! Run a marathon without training! Read this book and you’ll finally be happy! No.
Wellness, and life in general, is not easy. There are no quick fixes, no shortcuts, and it’s no one’s fault or responsibility other than yours. Wellness requires a long-term commitment, discipline, and showing up to work hard every day.
One of the gripes of the Peloton commercial is that the wife shows her husband the year-long vlog she kept about her experience. What I think this shows, and what people missed, is that she committed. She worked hard. She showed up. Even if it meant early in the morning or dashing home straight from work. She made sacrifices and she did it.
And the other piece? She was proud of it. And she should be.

Work hard. Show up. Be proud.
Wellness is work. It’s commitment. It’s maybe falling off track for a week or a month, but getting back to it. It’s hard work and it’s commitment, and it’s great to be proud of the accomplishments.
Changing Perceptions
I get why there’s negative sentiment around the Peloton commercial. Part of it is the world we live in today and the free, easy access to share opinions online, but a big part of it is the lack of education and understanding of the topic of wellness and these three broadly-held misconceptions:
That fitness is the only piece of wellness
That being thin equals being healthy
That worthwhile things should come easy
If nothing else, I hope the controversial Peloton commercial can help bring light to these misconceptions and help change perceptions for the better. Especially as New Year’s approaches and wellness goals are set, please keep in mind that there’s so much more to wellness than size and weight. And remember that goals take work and commitment.
At the end of the day, Peloton’s mission is to sell exercise equipment and, even more than that, offer a lifestyle of goal setting, fitness, and wellness. One of its key messages, according to its website, is to create an experience that keeps you coming back for more.
Cheers to you, Peloton. Here’s one positive vote for what you’re selling.
Did the Peloton Christmas commercial outrage you or did you see it for what it was meant to be? Has it brought up any other wellness thoughts for you?
The comments are all about you so please leave one. Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to Wellness in Real Life so you receive every weekly post straight to your inbox.
More Reasons Why It’s Okay to Fail
“The only true failures are situations in which we fail to learn.”
Failure gets a bad rap. We’re raised to succeed, to be winners. Because of this, failure isn’t often associated with positivity or good vibes. But failure is one of those topics that I’m hopeful is starting to take a turn to the better.
Because, there are upsides of failure.
What are the benefits of failure? Learning, growth, and accomplishing great things, all wouldn’t be possible without risk-taking and failing.
Remember earlier this year when Eliud Kipchoge ran a marathon in less than 2 hours, proving it’s possible? Let’s not forget he attempted that feat once before – and failed (although, running a marathon at 2 hours and 30ish seconds is hardly a failure but you see my point).

One of my fastest marathon times ever – yet it was my second failed attempt at a BQ.
A personal story, I never would have achieved my dream to run the Boston Marathon without being brave enough to fail at running a qualifier time – which I did…twice before I finally succeeded. (Anyone looking for tips to run a Boston Marathon qualifier, I have a few pieces of advice to share).
Still, let’s be real – nobody wants to fail. There are no high-fives, praise, or awards handed out for failing…or are there?
Rewarding Failure
I was reading one of my PR newsletters this week and found another vote of positivity on the topic of failure and that there is, in fact, an award out there that celebrates failure.
Coca-Cola Co. was highlighted because it takes permission to fail to new levels. The company has an innovation award that celebrates projects that fail.
The Celebrate Failure Award. It’s a real thing that Coca-Cola does every year, taking the fear out of failure and instead, encouraging the out-of-the-box thinking and risk-taking behavior that often leads to greatness or innovation…or, sometimes, a complete failure.
Not only does this encourage employees to go for it and try new things, without fear, the company turns their failures into opportunities for success.
Learning from Failure
I think there’s something we all can learn from this celebration of failure. I’m not expecting everyone to welcome failure and actively seek it out. But I think this is a good reminder that we need not fear failure.
What do you think about Coca-Cola’s celebration of failure? Do you believe it’s a great idea or takes things a bit too far?
The comments are your space to share thoughts so please do so. Or, connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to Wellness in Real Life so you get every new blog post straight to your inbox.
30 Days, 30 Ways to Improve Health and Wellness
“December is the month to finish what you started.”
When it comes to wellness, January gets all the love.
Everyone looks at the start of the new year as the time to set goals and resolutions, make a fresh start, and finally get around to doing what they’ve been slacking on the previous 11 months.
But December is, as this blog’s kickoff quote notes, a time for goals and hard work, too – a time to finish what you started.
Get Ahead of New Year’s Resolutions
Whether you set a New Year’s Resolution or a goal mid-way through the year to do something to better yourself, now is as good a time as any to make good on it.
As I write this, it’s December 1. That means, after today, there are 30 days left in the month. That means 30 days left to do something or several things that are good for you.
Not every workout, healthy eating tip, or wellness habit is right for everyone. My goals are different than yours. That’s why I’m sharing 30 simple wellness ideas for the 30 days left in December. They’re broad enough to suit most and simple enough anyone can try a new one each day – or, hopefully, make one a regular habit that’ll stick well into 2020.

Most of my reading these days is with my little man.
And for those who read this today, December 1, I included a special, bonus task to bring the total to 31, one for each day in December. Have a great month, friends – and stay happy, healthy, grateful, and well.
1. Drink Water
There are no downsides to drinking lots of water – and it’s free and easy, so there’s no reason not to do it. If you need help, here are three ways to drink more water.
2. Walk
Similar to drinking lots of water, there are few downsides to walking – and it’s free and easy, so there’s no reason not to do it (unless physical issues prevent it).
3. Read
And I’m not talking social media. I’m talking something real and tangible with a positive message, one that expands your thinking, or one that teaches you something of value.
4. Give a Compliment
Recognizing someone else may brighten their day more than yours but it’s a win-win when you’re intentionally looking for positives.
5. Food Prep
Whether hard boiling a dozen eggs, cutting up fruits and veggies so they’re easy to grab, or preparing healthy, well-balanced meals for the week, dedicating time to food prep is an investment that’ll pay back big return. Need help to get started? Here are quick, easy food prep ideas.
6. Sleep
I know why many people struggle with this one – not enough hours in the day, right? I’m here to tell you that, however you need to re-prioritize your time to get those 7ish hours, figure it out. It’s a big deal.
(exception: parents of newborns and small children, I see you, I feel for you, I’ve been you – opportunity to prioritize sleep will come.)
If you’re not a new parent, you’re making time for other healthy habits, and you’re not consuming alcohol, yet still struggling to sleep, perhaps the next tip will provide some help…
7. Disconnect
Netflix, social media, notifications, emails – all necessary in our modern world but also can be huge, pointless time sucks that, late at night, stimulate the brain and interfere with sleep. Furthermore, specific to notifications on your phone, you don’t have to have them. So try this wellness tip and realize the benefits of disabling notifications on your phone.

Fresh air, a run, & time with my fave guy – best medicine ever.
8. Get Fresh Air
Oh, the irony of this in December, I know. It’s cold, there’s snow, and it’s pretty much dark all the time. All the more reason to get outside and soak in the simplicity of nature. Unless it’s frigidly cold, windy, or the snow drifts are blocking your door, make time to get outside for fresh air every day.
9. So Much Stuff
Chances are, you have too much stuff. And a ton of it is stuff you don’t need. Clutter can raise anxiety and have a negative impact on wellness so try to adopt the “less is more” mentality and rid your life of excess stuff. Consider donating it for the added wellness bonus that comes from giving back.
10. Write
There’s something about writing every day that I believe is good for the mind and soul. Whether a simple, daily note or full journaling effort, try writing for better wellness.
11. Be Grateful
Speaking of writing, this is one idea to begin the effort – something for which you’re grateful. Gratitude is another practice that comes with proven health benefits, so take time for intentional showings of gratitude every day.
12. Get a Coffee
A little caffeine is good – plus, if you get it with a friend, you get the added health of connection.

Coffee…with a side of waffle.
13. Laugh
The saying, “Laughter is the best medicine,” exists for a reason. Both short-term and long-term benefits come from laughing. If you need a good laugh, might I suggest the episode where Ricky Gervais dances in the British edition of The Office or the airplane scene from the movie, Bridesmaids.
14. Move Intentionally
Park far away. Take the stairs. Get up and talk to your coworkers. Move your body more, intentionally, and it does add up a little bit. Here’s a recent blog of mine that talks more about the idea of moving intentionally and moving more for better health.
15. Listen to Music
Whether hard rock, folk, pop, or country, virtually any type of music can have uplifting benefits, motivate through a tough workout, or boost productivity with mundane tasks.
16. Stretch
Yoga is an amazing way to start the day, a quick mid-day stretch helps re-energize and refocus the mind, and a little evening wind down could help with calming the mind and lead to better sleep. Any time of day, for a minute or several, give the body a good stretch.
17. Say No
Setting boundaries and better prioritize time by saying “no” occasionally is healthy. I’m also going to go all Nancy Reagan on you and put this out there for drugs, alcohol, and smoking. None of them are good for you and they affect the health and wellness of those around you, too. So just say no.
18. Talk to Someone
Texting, emails, DMs – none of them replace good old face-to-face conversation. Talking with a friend or family member and having connection brings big benefits.
19. Run a Minute
Just one minute. That’s all. And if it feels good, do it for one more minute…and maybe another.
20. Give Grace
Everyone messes up. Everyone has bad days. And, most of the time, people don’t have outright bad intentions with their actions. Whether a coworker pissed you off or your child throws a tantrum, give them a little grace and you’ll feel better, too.
21. Say Thank You
More than just in a way to show gratitude, thank you can be better swapped for one overused phrase. We have a tendency to say, “I’m sorry,” too much; often for things we have no reason to be sorry. Instead of the default response, try instead thanking someone. Instead of, “I’m sorry I was late,” try, “Thank you for being patient.”
22. Be On Time
Piggybacking on that last one, being late leads to anxiety and stress – unless you’re one of those people who runs on their own schedule and doesn’t give AF about others’ time. So, assuming you do care, take time to plan ahead better, allow more time, and be intentional so you’re on time rather than frantically running late.
23. Smile
Would you believe there are health benefits to smiling? It’s true, from releasing endorphins to lowering blood pressure, the simple act of smiling more is an easy way to be well.

I mean, is there anything better than a Reese’s?
24. Lift Weights
Strong bodies bring a ton of health benefits – and for those who fear muscle bulk, it’s not going to happen. People who have big muscles work incredibly hard for that, in the gym and in the kitchen. No one’s getting big muscles with a day or two of weight lifting so give it a go.
25. Slow Down
Step back, take a breath, refocus energy, or simply just be for a few moments. Sometimes, slowing down is actually a strategy for productivity and getting more done. And, in my case, this advice can and should extend to driving…
26. Be Inclusive
Connections matter. And there’s also benefits that come from making others feel good. Including others feeds positivity, while excluding breeds negativity. Be the reason someone doesn’t feel left out or like they don’t belong, and it’ll make you feel better, too.
This also extends to eating – here’s why to include lots of food in your daily diet.
27. Try Something New
Going outside the comfort zone is how we grow, experience new thrills, and do great things. Sometimes, going out on a limb might bring failure – and, remember, it’s okay to fail. Permission to fail is granted, just learn from it.
28. Pet a Dog
I get it, not everyone loves dogs. Actually, I don’t get it. Dogs are the best. Petting dogs is a wonderful, happy act. And it’s good for health. Trust me, I Googled it 🙂
29. Be Kind
Whether to someone else or yourself, kindness brings wellness. Again, be the source of positivity and uplifting to others, not negativity and bringing down others.
30. Rest
With so many actions to take and things to do, remember that not doing something is one of the best ways to wellness. Whether planning to take a rest day from working out or simply taking time to relax instead of clean the house, run the errand, cook the meal, etc., rest does wonders for the body and mind.
And for those who want to spend all 31 days of the month working towards wellness, I have one more bonus idea for you:
31. Eat a Reese’s
I mean, if eating Reese’s doesn’t make you feel better, I don’t know what will. Preferably, the holiday Christmas tree Reese’s because they’re just better than any other type – but any Reese’s will do.
I wish you a great December!
What other simple wellness tips can you add to the list, for the next 30 days? The comments are your space to share thoughts or ask questions so please do so.
Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to Wellness in Real Life so you get every new blog post straight to your inbox.
How to Eat Right on Thanksgiving? Eat on Thanksgiving.
“You can’t have Thanksgiving without turkey. That’s like Fourth of July without apple pie or Friday with no two pizzas.”
Joey Tribbiani always had wise words when it came to food. While I don’t eat turkey, I respect his knowledge and I chose this quote for my annual Thanksgiving eating and exercise blog because it’s fitting for what I’d like to share.
As we head into the holiday that’s quite literally all about eating a lot and being grateful for the ability to do so, I have two key reminders:
Food Isn’t Bad and Exercise Isn’t Punishment
Reminder #1 – Food isn’t bad. Please don’t think eating is bad. You’re not bad for eating.

Puppy chow – starting the love early.
Reminder #2 – Exercise isn’t punishment. Please don’t feel the need to exercise to punish yourself for eating. You don’t punish yourself for eating.
Eat All the Food
Let’s all ignore the eating-to-exercise equations. You know, the posts people always share on social media, scolding you about how many miles you need to walk or burpees you need to do to “cancel out” the pumpkin pie and stuffing you ate. People will certainly share them now and forever, but that’s their problem, not yours.
If you want turkey and mashed potatoes and corn and fudge and bread – have it. Food isn’t bad and you’re not bad for eating food. Exercise isn’t punishment and you don’t need to punish yourself with exercise.
So those of you wondering how to eat well on Thanksgiving? You can read my blog from two years ago but I’m still going to give the same advice: Eat all the food. Enjoy it. Savor it. Eat it all. Stop when you’re full – or, when you think you can’t possibly eat another bit, channel your inner Joey Tribbiani and go for that piece of pumpkin pie. Then get back on track to stay true to your wellness goals.
I’ll leave you with one more reminder why food is good for you, it’s not bad for you (fun fact, there’s another Friends reference in that post). Happy Thanksgiving!
How do you feel about exercise-to-calorie charts? Do you feel compelled to burn off calories when you eat more than normal? Or are you okay with a day of indulgence here and there?
The comments are yours so please leave one. Or share with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to Wellness In Real Life so you get every new blog post right to your inbox.
5 Ways to Keep Energy Levels Up When Daylight Goes Down
“I hate Daylight Saving Time.”
I mean, does anyone really like Daylight Saving Time? I know there are a few out there but the vast majority of people aren’t fans.
DST aside – and for those of you in Arizona – this time of year is tough because there’s just naturally less daylight. That Vitamin D really does do the body and mind good.
We have two choices: We can complain about something we can’t control. Or we can shift our mindset to what we can control. And that’s ourselves.
There are a few simple things everyone can do to up energy as daylight dwindles. There are ways to keep your mind and body healthy and positive with a bit of effort.
Here are five ways I’ve found that help with keeping energy, happiness, and positivity high when daylight can have us feeling low.
1. Eat Breakfast
It’s called the most important meal of the day for a reason and there’s a lot of truth in that age-old statement. Starting the day with a good breakfast is important to set the tone for a healthy body and mind.

Need to stay motivated to work out? Sign up for a race or find a running buddy.
Why is skipping breakfast bad? Everyone is different and some swear by it but, for most, the absence of food is a sure fire way to feel sluggish and lacking energy. Food itself is energy – it’s meant to fuel the body and mind to do whatever the day brings.
Not all breakfast is created equal. The right foods are key to keeping energy levels high, especially during these days when it’s often still dark when we head out for the day. Quality carbs and protein are great choices so, for breakfast, this could be a Greek yogurt, oatmeal with banana, or whole grain toast with peanut butter.
2. Exercise
Although it sounds counter-intuitive, lack of energy is often remedied by exercise – and lack of exercise often leads to low energy. From low-impact activities like walking and yoga to more intense workouts like HIIT and running, any form of exercise does wonders for energy, positivity, and overall wellness.
Whether an early morning workout to set the tone for the day, the benefits of a midday workout (oh, I love a good runch!), or an evening workout to get through the last parts of the day with a happier outlook, the best time to exercise is whenever it best fits into your day.
3. Drink Water
No matter the problem, water is usually an answer. Whether sluggish or cranky, sick or feeling low, water can make us feel better in many different ways.
It’s proven to boost energy levels, crucial when dwindling daylight tends to zap all we have before the day is even close to done. It can boost metabolism, also beneficial when fatigue and sluggishness can lead to skipped workouts and poor food choices.
There are also scientific health benefits of drinking water like improved brain function and a happy colon and kidneys, all of which can lead to better moods and more energy.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it forever – there’s really no downside to drinking a lot of water. It’s free and easy and good for you – so do it. Bonus: here are three easy ways to drink more water.
4. Get Outside
There are Vitamin D supplements and light boxes and probably a zillion other things designed to replace lacking sunlight. But there’s no substitute for actually going outside.

There may not be a yoga studio near you but simple mindfulness can be done anytime, anywhere.
Even if it’s not sunny, the simple act of getting out and taking in a few moments of fresh air and nature are enough to put a little pep back in anyone’s step.
This time of year, it’s easy to hunker down and hibernate. Instead, layer up (if needed) and make the effort to get out a few times during the day.
5. Make Time for Mindfulness
Even though fatigue is almost always felt physically, don’t discount the mental fatigue that can weigh you down, especially this time of year. When the mind is cluttered and unfocused, feelings of stress, unhappiness, and exhaustion are often close behind.
Make time, multiple times during the day, to be more mindful. Take a moment to refocus your thoughts and be present. How can we be more mindful every day? It takes work and practice. There are plenty of simple ways to be mindful – and a few tactics that detract from it.
Don’t multitask. Don’t check your phone and email constantly. Don’t overschedule yourself to the point you leave no time to think or be creative.
Do take a brief pause every so often to check in with yourself. Do give yourself a few seconds here and there throughout the day to just be. Do take advantage of downtime, like waiting in line or rebooting your computer, to notice your breath, be calm, and get perspective.
Those are just five simple ways to deal with Daylight Saving Time and dwindling daylight.
What do you do to deal with the lower energy and sluggishness that often accompanies this time of year? Any of these tips or do you have others to share? The comments are for you so please leave one.
Or connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram and @LindsayIRL on Twitter, and subscribe to this blog so you get every week’s new post straight to your inbox.
Why Saying No is Healthy, Smart, and Good for Wellness
“Just say no.”
How often do you do things you really don’t want to do? Before we get too far, I’m not talking about grocery shopping, cleaning up after your pet, or filling out expense reports at work. There are some things we have to do as part of our role as functioning adults.
I mean how often do you agree to do things that you don’t really have to do, things to which you could simply say no?
Whether joining a committee, planning a birthday party for your child, or doing workplace tasks that shouldn’t fall on your plate, how often do you say “yes” to things when you’d really rather say no?

Don’t want to wear make up or do your hair? Cool, then don’t.
I’ve recently seen a couple posts on social media that have made me want to write about this topic – the first, what I believe is a big part of the problem, the second, what I believe is a big part of the solution.
I’ve hesitated to write about this because I know it could come off as negative, unsupportive, or judgmental. But if you go into it with an open mind, I hope you’ll see this for what it is.
And those of you non-parents, please stick with me and read on, there’s a good takeaway in here for you, too.
#1 You’re In Control
I recently saw a long rant posted on social from a, presumably, exhausted, frustrated mother. It detailed all the expectations on mothers with a light dose of sarcasm and bitching about her (and all mothers’) unfair situation. The frustrations that we “have” to behave a certain way, parent our kids a certain way, and make time for everything when there’s no time for anything.
The first instinct upon seeing these posts, at least I believe, is to sympathize, even give it a “preach!” response. And I get why, especially for mothers. Motherhood is hard. Sometimes, it does seem unfair. But this type of post bothers me and here’s why.
I hate to be the bearer of reasonable news and piss off half the population with a dose of sensibility – but these kinds of rants remove the idea that we’re in control of our situations. They make it acceptable to place blame on someone or something else when, the reality is, the situations in which we find ourselves are largely due to our own choices.
That’s right, choices. We all have the wonderful privilege to make choices.
But Do You Have To…Really?
There are certain things you have to do. Then there are others you maybe feel like you have to do. I’ll set it straight with a few examples:
You don’t have to volunteer for a committee or fundraiser.
You don’t have to cook perfect meals every single time.
You don’t have to respond to every email, text, and phone call immediately.
You don’t have to look wonderfully put together all the time.
You don’t have to do things for the sole reason of having perfect photos to post on social media.

I wasn’t too busy to dress up my baby – I just didn’t want to.
I don’t know your situation. I really don’t. So I get it if some days you’re stressed and tired for one thing or another. Being a parent is hard. But it shouldn’t be so hard. Life shouldn’t be so hard that we stop enjoying it and feel the need to complain about it.
You Choose What To Do – And What Not To Do
Again, I don’t know you, your situation, or why you’re in this broken place you’re in. But what I do know is that you don’t have to do any of those things I just mentioned – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Last year, I could have felt bad about not dressing up my 6-month-old son in a Halloween costume. But I didn’t. It wasn’t something I wanted to do so I decided to skip the stress of finding him the perfect costume. And guess what? He still looked adorable and had a fun Halloween.
You may feel like your inbox is constantly blowing up, you need to see what’s going on with every single social notification on your phone. But you don’t. Here’s why to shut off notifications and don’t worry about it so much – it’s something I do and it works for me.
And for those of you who work, you may feel like you have to overwork yourself to get a promotion. I’m not sure when it became not okay to be happy with your job and simply want to do it well but I’m here to tell you – man or woman – just because you’re not clamoring to be a vice president, a director, or a manager, doesn’t mean you can’t have a challenging, fulfilling career. I’m none of those things and I love my job. Bonus, I’m not working or worrying about work all the time.
My point in all this isn’t to judge other people and parents for their choices. Trust me, I’m a first-time parent and a working mom, and I’m on your side. Feed your baby formula, let him cry it out, and please don’t worry if she throws a tantrum in the middle of the cereal aisle. I’ve got your back and you’re doing a great job.

There’s a reason frozen meals exist.
My point is to remind everyone, parents and non-parents, that nobody needs to be perfect. No one needs to do all the things. No one needs to be “shoulding” all over him/herself. No one needs to stress out to a breaking point just to appear to have it all together. And if that means setting boundaries and saying no to things, do it.
It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and to vent frustrations from time to time. It’s not okay to blame society, unfair expectations, and other people for a situation that’s a result of your own choices.
I think, too we can all be better in doing our part to create a world in which no one feels like they have to or should do it all. Maybe take some of the pressure off everyone feeling like they need to do it all. Let’s give each other – and ourselves – permission to not do it all. Permission to say NO.
#2 NO-vember
It’s great timing that it’s November, because what a perfect time to work on saying No. I mean, it’s in the name – NOvember!
This idea also came from another social media post I saw, I’m pretty sure it was shared by my friend, fitness expert, and all-around awesome woman, Mariah Prussia. The concept of NO-vember is a reminder that it’s healthy to say no to things that you don’t want to make time for or don’t bring you joy.
Let’s extend it to just saying no as a healthy way to set boundaries, give yourself a break, help keep you sane, and make it more realistic to prioritize time for the things you really want and need to do. And do it without the guilt.
It’s Okay to Say No
When you say no to something you don’t want to do, you’re saying yes to other things that bring happiness or improve your wellness. If you’d rather not spend an hour shopping for the latest, trendy boots or responding to emails that can wait, but you would like an hour to sleep more, exercise, or read a book (but, you know, you “don’t have time” for those) consider how you’re choosing to spend your time.
I think there’s a misconception that setting boundaries, declining to participate in certain activities, and saying no are signs of being difficult when, actually, they’re all very healthy practices and good for time prioritization.
So if you don’t want to spend your time planning a Pinterest-worthy birthday party, securing donations for a charity auction, or packing perfect lunches, just say no. Or, if you do want to do all those things, by all means, do them. Just don’t bitch about how society tells you that you have to do all these things.
Okay, time for your thoughts. What do you think about NO-vember and beyond, giving yourself permission to set boundaries and just say no? The comments are yours so please leave one.
Connect with me on @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to this blog and receive every new post right to your inbox.
Couch to 5k and Running to Wellness Along the Way
“Running saved my life.”
It was the perfect morning for a local 5k run. Chilly weather. A running buddy. And an aid station with water and donuts…wait, what? Yep, that’s right. Please read on.
Last weekend, I ran my first 5k since I was 2 months postpartum – almost a year and a half ago. My friend, Emily, recently took up running (yay!) and this was our first opportunity to run together. We played softball together, we snowboard together, and now we can run together.
My half marathon pacing season came to a close last Saturday but there’s nothing I enjoy more than a Saturday morning race, so I was super excited for the Sandy’s Donut Run, a laid-back, zero-pressure run with one of my besties.

We showed up. We ate donuts. We finished the race.
On a related side note, it was the first really brisk race day I’ve experienced and reminded me about the best winter running gear must-haves – read that blog to learn what gear you need to keep running outside now that winter is upon us.
Let’s go back to the donuts. Yes, this annual race is sponsored by the best donut shop in America, Fargo’s original Sandy’s Donuts. We runners got donuts, not only at the finish line, but midway through the race at the aid station. I provide to myself I could indeed run while eating a donut. #winning
But the real joy I got from this run was it reminded me how fun it is to run 5ks. Also, that they’re such a great way to get people involved in something healthy and find their love for running.
Couch to 5k
There’s a reason why couch to 5k programs are so popular. Running is one of those sports where it can be hard to start from scratch – but once a person gets going, little by little, they keep going.
Plus, I believe running encourages more healthy habits like making better food choices, drinking more water, and being more mindful, and leads to better overall wellness like reduced stress and lower resting heart rate.
Running is also addictive – but, for the most part, I mean that in a good way.
Addicted to Running
There’s something about running, I’m not exactly sure what it is, but it’s easy to get hooked on it. The whole runner’s high is real, then there’s something to the idea, especially starting out, of, “I ran 10 minutes straight yesterday…maybe today I can go 12.” And it just seems to snowball from there.
Now, this can be bad, it easily can spiral out of control. I admit, when I first started getting really into running, my addiction bordered on bad. I chose running over most else. I felt anxious and awful if I didn’t run. I craved the stress relief, that badassery feeling, and feared I gain back my lost poundage if I missed a day.

My new addiction – collecting these babies.
But I’ve learned to manage it now and, for the most part, it’s a good kind of addiction. I think most runners find their proper cadence (no pun intended) and balance for it to be part of their lives, not take over their lives.
And, especially for people in a similar boat as me with addictive personalities who are former bad addicts – drug addicts, food addicts, smokers, you name it – running or exercise in general can be a positive, new addiction to replace dangerous ones.
5ks – the Gateway Drug…to Wellness
Speaking of addiction, have you ever heard that marijuana is a gateway drug? If you’ve seen Half Baked or recall high school health class, that’s probably not news. The theory is a person who has never touched drugs may experiment with them after they try weed. Apparently, once someone tokes up, it opens the door to other drugs.
Running was my gateway drug to wellness. It pulled me away from unhealthy addictions, behaviors, and habits, and instead lead me down a path of healthy addictions, behaviors, and habits. It sounds cheesy but running kind of saved my life. So it makes me really happy when I see others, like Emily, finding their love and passion for it as well.
Was running a “gateway drug” to your healthy lifestyle? Did going couch to 5k – and beyond – change your life for the better? The comments are all yours so I’d love to read your story.
Connect with me on @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to this blog and receive every new post right to your inbox.
5 Healthy Ways for How to Create a Morning Routine
“Here comes the sun.”
Tired. Overworked. Stretched too thin.
It’s true, most people are stressed. Between not having enough time to do everything we feel we need to do, to the everyday pressures of work, school, family, and all of it, we’re all on that struggle bus from time to time.
But what if you could minimize your time on the bus – or, best of all, make sure things don’t get to the point where you’re not just on the bus, you’re driving it.
Establish a Morning Routine
One of the best ways to have good, focused days is with a good, focused morning routine. I’ve found that when my morning routine is on, my day is better than when I begin with a scattered, hectic day.
So what does a good morning routine look like? That link shares more about mine, pretty simple stuff. It’s different for everyone and it can be anything that works best for you. I have five ideas that will give you a starting point, things that have worked well for me as part of my morning routine that I hope will work well for you.

Abel knows the importance of a good breakfast
There’s one caveat to this: Try to create a morning routine that doesn’t involve checking your phone. I’m not saying you can’t look at your phone in the morning, just try to keep it separate from this special time that’s just yours.
Here are five ideas for how you can create a morning routine that’ll set up the best days. And, keep in mind, a habit doesn’t have to be a go-big-or-go-home effort. There are plenty of small changes for better health that everyone can make and the morning routine is no exception. Each idea includes a “go big” or “go small” option to help you see how it could work for you.
1. Breakfast
I truly believe eating breakfast is among the best ways to set up a good day. Eating breakfast fuels the body and the mind for work, taking care of littles, school, or whatever your day brings.
Also, I personally find coffee to be a magical way to wake up and important part of my daily breakfast – highly recommend at least one cup of joe to start each day.
Go Big:
A “big” breakfast doesn’t mean eggs, bacon, French toast, and juice. When I think of Go Big on breakfast, I mean taking the time for something that needs to be prepared like oatmeal, toast with peanut butter and sliced banana, or a smoothie.
Go Small:
A quick breakfast can be a banana, a protein bar, a can of V8 juice – anything you can eat quickly and with no prep. Just take the time to sit down and eat it, not scarf it down in the car. Just drive while you’re in the car.
2. Journal
Writing down your thoughts is an opportunity to get to know yourself better, remind yourself of important things, prioritize, really anything. For more on this topic, here’s how to start a journal, based on my effort earlier this year.
Go Big:
A journal entry can be your aspiration statement for the day. It can include a detailed list of to-dos, priorities, and something specific about how you want to show up for the challenges and choices you’ll be presented with that day. I, for example, have a different journal entry for each day of the week, in addition to my workout journal.
Go Small:
A journal entry doesn’t have to be a long, detailed account of the day. A sentence or a quote are great ideas for a positive, mindful way to begin the day.
3. Gratitude
There’s something incredibly powerful about the practice of gratitude. That fight you had with a coworker, a full inbox, or a sassy toddler – it’s amazing how those things can become so minor when recognizing what really matters in life.
On a related note to my last point, if you’re looking for an idea to jumpstart daily jounaling, gratitude is a great place to begin.
Go Big:
A complex gratitude practice can include more than just a conscious effort to think of or write down things for which you’re grateful; it can also include a follow-up plan of how you’ll “pay it forward” so to speak, perhaps going out of your way to thank a friend for being there for you or proactively complimenting a coworker because you’re grateful to work with him or her.
Go Small:
A simple gratitude practice can be recognizing just one thing for which you’re grateful in that moment. I do this every morning while drinking my first cup of coffee.
4. Mindfulness
Back to all those stressers like constant emails, overscheduled kid’s activities, and trying to plan dinner, our minds are far too overloaded to really be at their most thoughtful, productive, and smart. Clearing the mind and taking time to just be is a great way to unclutter and refocus for the true priorities in each day.

Solo or with a friend, morning exercise is the best.
Go Big:
A large mindfulness effort can be a full five or so minutes of distraction-free, focus. It can be meditation, yoga, or very slowed-down, intentional thought.
Go Small:
A simple mindfulness tactic is taking a few deep belly breaths before eating breakfast or sipping coffee, a moment to be calm and just be for a moment. Bonus, deep breathing before eating can aid in digestion.
5. Exercise
I saved the best for last. Probably the most obvious and most difficult morning habit, exercise is also one of the best ways to begin a day. If you need a little boost, check out this old blog with tips for how to exercise in the morning.
Go Big:
Exercise can be as intense as a long run or heavy weightlifting sesh at the gym.
Go Small:
Exercise can be as simple as a 10-minute yoga routine or walk.
There they are – five of my best ideas for creating a healthy morning routine. What are yours?
Do you have a morning routine that creates great days? What are your favorite things to do each morning as part of a healthy routine? The comments are all yours so please share.
Connect with me on @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to this blog and receive every new post right to your inbox.
How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good Day
“Turn it around.”
I recently shared a couple of photos on Instagram and Twitter, pics of my son and me out on a run, playing at the park, and enjoying donuts. It may appear we were sharing some fun mother and son moments, which we were, but there was more to the story.
Survive A Tough Morning Or…
Earlier that morning was one of “those” mornings. You know, where I was close to losing my shit. My child was being difficult and whiny and I was running out of ideas to distract or redirect him. And it was only 9:00.
My son is a very energetic child. Since the early days, he’s been restless, the opposite of a chill baby. He’s rarely content for more than 60 seconds and he’s a gigantic mama’s boy.

And earlier today, he was a monster 🙂
Add it all up and sometimes, this combo creates a perfect avenue for mom to lose her shit.
Out of ideas, I decided we’d layer up, go for a run, then stop at the park on our way home as we usually do. Abel loves being in the stroller and he loves the park, while I felt I could find some peace and stress relief in a run.
The only catch was, I had just run a half marathon the day before. And I’ve been dealing with an Achilles and mild plantar fasciitis issue so a run was the last activity I landed on.
You know, desperate times call for desperate measures. Also, running and having a good day tend to have a lot in common.
…Make It a Great Day
What ended up happening was one of the more fun outings Abel and I have had in awhile. About 2.5 miles in, we ran past a neighboring park and he started waving and excitedly chatting.
He can’t speak in sentences yet but I picked up what he was putting down. “Mom, let’s stop to play at this park.”
I stopped, Abel played, I stretched, and he burned some energy.
Then I noticed we were about half a mile away from Sandy’s donuts, the super awesome Fargo donut shop that had recently opened a location near our house. I’d been wanting to take him there so we made our next pit stop and he enjoyed a couple bites of his first-ever donut.
As we were running back home, my watch hit 4 miles and I realized we were still about half a mile from home. I thought, why not detour to make it an even five, then hit our usual park near our house.

A run, park pit stops, and donuts. Donuts FTW.
We stopped, polished off our donuts, Abel played more, I stretched more, then we trekked back home.
He was calmer and happier the rest of the morning, and the run felt awesome for me. No stiffness, no soreness, just light and fast. Probably a good thing I waited to eat my donut until our last pit stop, less than a quarter mile from home.
Choose To Be Happy
What could have been a draining, forgettable morning quickly became the opposite. What could have been me zoning out and focusing on time and distance quickly became less about the run and more about seizing moments.
Great moments often don’t happen by accident, they’re a result of choices. Also, can’t share this reminder enough: life is always more that how it appears on social media. There’s always more to a story than a picture or a post tells.
The next time you have a tough day, fight the urge to “just get through it” and think instead about how you could proactively turn it around. Maybe it involves exercise. Maybe it involves play. Hell, maybe the secret is donuts. Pretty sure Sandy’s donuts could solve any issue.
I’ll leave you with one more blog for some positivity and inspiration.
As always, the comments are all yours so feel free to share a thought on this topic. Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, or subscribe to this blog so you get every week’s story sent straight to your inbox.