Why It Matters to Know Running a Sub-2 Hour Marathon is Possible

“I don’t know where the limits are but I would like to go there.”

I interrupt this week’s regularly-scheduled blog with an announcement: A human being is capable of running a sub-2 hour marathon.


An exciting way to wake up.

There’s little to zero chance you heard it first here. News of Eliud Kipchoge breaking the 2-hour marathon barrier has been THE buzz since it happened on Saturday, October 12 in Vienna. I woke up to a text from my husband (he hits the gym at 6 a.m. on Saturday mornings while I sleep in until the baby is up) that read, “A guy just did the first sub 2 marathon today.”

Eliud Kipchoge – Not A Guy, The GOAT
A guy. Oh, gotta love that part from my athlete, yet non-runner husband.

Eliud Kipchoge isn’t just a guy. He’s a world record-holding runner who finishes marathons full of smiles and full of joy. He’s a guy who cares about others. He’s an accomplished and amazing distance runner. He really is the greatest of all time.

After failing at his first attempt to go sub-2, Eliud and his team made the feat a reality. He ran 26.2 miles at an average pace of 4:33. A 4:33 min/mile…for 26.2 miles. Let that sink in for a moment.

Naturally, as with anything in our modern world, the critics were out in full-force, from before Eliud began his race and after he achieved the goal. Because this run was controlled, with a team of pacers and a closed course (it wasn’t during a public marathon), apparently the feat wasn’t so impressive to everyone.

It was a huge deal, something everyone should care about, and for so many reasons other than the obvious.

Before I go on, here’s a fun fact: Eliud holds the marathon record of 2:01:39. So, haters, the dude’s still fucking fast in a non-controlled, “official” racing environment.

Achieving for All
What I applaud from Eliud is, this wasn’t about him achieving a goal. It wasn’t about a selfish glory boost. It was about showing what the human mind and human body are capable of, that there are no limits to what can be achieved. The point was to prove something great can be done.

Eliud himself said that he fully expects more people all over the world to run sub-2 hour marathons now. And I expect he’s the kind of guy who’d be there to pace or cheer them to it.


I’m not quite the caliber of Eliud’s pace team

This feat and Eliud is a reminder that no one achieves anything alone. Especially in the running world, an individual sport, runners often rely on one another to achieve goals. Meb Keflezighi credited fellow runners for their work pacing and helping him to his Boston Marathon win in 2014. Des Linden famously offered to help Shalane Flanagen win Boston in 2018, then went on to get the W herself.

Lessons for All
Even if you’re not a runner, even if you’re not an athlete, even if you’re not someone who gets inspired by feats of human capability – you should care about this.

Eliud’s performance reminds us that a failed attempt at something doesn’t mean it’s not worth learning from and trying again. It reminds us that support and cheerleaders are a huge piece of achieving a goal. It proves that hard work and determination are admirable qualities, and they pay off. I think we can all take away a lot from what Eliud – and his team and his supporters – accomplished.

I’m also pretty impressed by the mental load Eliud carried throughout this process. All eyes were on him. Everyone wanted him to succeed. Part of me thinks everyone expected him to succeed. That’s pretty heavy. Yet, as I’ve read the story and watched the videos, he seemed calm and focused. I think we can all learn a lesson in staying focused amidst intense pressure.

Most of all, it’s pretty incredible to know that a human being is capable of something previously unattainable. Eliud’s quote of, “No human is limited,” brings chills. Imagine what you might be capable of that, today, you think isn’t possible. Maybe it’s something you’re willing to work hard for, fail, work hard again, then try again.

What’s your reaction to Eliud Kipchoge running a sub-2 hour marathon? The comments are all yours so please share.

Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to this blog so you get every new post delivered right to your inbox.

Wednesday Wisdom – Wellness Advice for October

Another month has come and gone so it’s time for more #wednesdaywisdom. This is wellness, health, and fitness advice in a quick, easy-to-digest format, designed to give you maximum energy and inspiration.

Think of it as eggs with avocado…only with words.


Darker days are on the way – keeping running & keep the happy

Because it’s October, this month’s wellness focus is about fear – but don’t be scared, I’m talking about overcoming it.

1. Behind the Scenes Running 26.2 Miles – Part 1: What to Expect
Ready to run a marathon? Broken down from the start line to the finish, and all the miles in between, here’s what to expect training for a marathon.

2. Staying Strong and Running Outside
It has been more than a year but we still remember Mollie Tibbets and what she reminds us about the joy of running outside.

3. The Value, Power, and Importance of Failure
Nobody wants to fail. But failure can be a good thing. Here’s my personal story of failure – more than time actually – that turned into victory.

Do you have questions or topics I can address with a #wednesdaywisdom blog or in a new, full blog? The comments are all yours to ask questions, share ideas, or, you know, just leave a comment – so do it, please!

Connect with me on @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter. Subscribe to this blog and receive every new post right to your inbox.

Because Sometimes You Just Need a Break to Rest

“When we rest our energy is restored.”

You know why it’s important to take rest days from working out? I think it’s also important to rest and take breaks from other things – take writing for example.


The dudes taking care of things while I rest and relax.

When I sat down to write this week’s blog, the words just weren’t coming together. My thoughts were all there but they wouldn’t cooperate from my brain to the keyboard. Then, before I could overthink it, my son work up from his nap and back to reality I went.

I decided to take my own advice when it comes to rest and make this week’s blog a simple reminder that sometimes taking a bit of time off is the best way to get unstuck, whether it’s a workout slump, writer’s block, or really anything. So I’m going to take it.

In related, fun timing, Twin Cities Marathon is this coming weekend! What a great reminder to all the runners who’ve worked so hard, take some time to rest and relax this week, then be ready to crush the miles this weekend. And, of course I must share a blog with a couple others about the struggle of tapering before a race. But also, knowing it’s important to do it.

I’ll be out there on Sunday, pacing runners in the TC 10 Mile. Good luck to everyone running!

Do you need to take rest days to recharge and re-energize? What else besides a workout deserves a regular rest day? The comments are all yours so please share one.

Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, or subscribe to this blog so you receive every new post right to your inbox.

4 Reasons Why Fall Running is the Best

“Sweater weather. Crunchy leaves. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.”

Fall is in the air. Leaves are changing, daylight dwindling, and I’m pretty sure the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte has yet to wear out its welcome – for those who like PSLs. Me, I’d rather have a pumpkin muffin. Mmmmm, muffins.

Sorry, back to the story.

There are so many reasons to love fall. Likewise, there are so many reasons to love running. Okay, maybe that part is just me and my fellow runners.


The best running happens in the fall.

While fall isn’t my favorite season for life in general, fall is my favorite season for running.

There are plenty of reasons why fall is great for wellness. Likewise, there are plenty of reasons fall is great for running. Here are my top four reasons fall is the best season for running.

1. Chill Out
The cooler fall weather is hands-down my favorite part of running outside this time of year. I know I’m not the only one who struggles in the heat – and occasionally chooses the treadmill over the sweltering outdoors.

Fall running means layering up on the cooler days but still the option of dressing lighter on those warmer days. It’s pretty much a win for everyone.

2. Scenic Views
Is there anything better than fall leaves and the beautiful colors? Taking in the scenery is one of the best parts of running outside.

Not only are the views enjoyable this time of year, there’s something about it that presents an opportunity to appreciate and practice gratitude. Take a moment and notice your stride, breath, and surroundings, with being grateful for the simple spoils of life.

3. Races Aplenty
Maybe it’s just me and where I live, but there are tons of great races every fall. I refer to this as my “pacing season” because there are so many races on my pacing schedule this time of year.

Whether 5k, full marathon, or something in between, there’s no shortage of races to help stay on track and motivated, if that’s needed.


Summer running was great – but fall is already even better.

4. Ahead of the Game
For those who rely on New Year’s Resolutions to get back into the health and fitness swing, don’t wait. Get outside now and take advantage of the best running weather of the year.

As much as I love running outside all winter, it’s tough for a lot of people. Fall is a great opportunity to set up good habits while it’s nice out vs. putting it off until no one wants to go outside for any reason, let alone a run.

5. Better for Strolls
Yes, I had to add one more reason, this one specific to me and likely all the other runner moms and dads out there. I used to (and still do) love fall running for the four reasons above. Now, I can add that it’s an awesome time to run outside with my son in the stroller.

As those close to me know, I’m, shall we say, an aggressive sweater. Pushing the stroller while also dealing with summer sun and heat is no easy task – and I ended those runs more sweat-drenched than usual. Let’s just say the cooler weather is a welcome element. Plus, Abel doesn’t seem to enjoy it any less layered up and snuggled up with a blanket.

Do you love fall running? What other reasons do you have for getting outside to run in the fall? The comments are all yours so please leave one.

Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, or subscribe to this blog so you get every week’s story sent straight to your inbox.

It’s Hard to be a Vegetarian These Days

“Seriously? Another fucking salad??”

This week’s blog is going to be ridiculous. You’ve been warned so feel free to leave now – but if not, I’d love to have you stick around as I complain about a delightful first-world problem.

It’s incredibly hard to be a vegetarian these days.

Read on, as I share a story explaining what I mean by that ridiculous statement.

Early Vegetarianism – It Was Tough
As I child, when I first started adopting vegetarian preferences, it wasn’t easy. Growing up with four older brothers, busy working parents, and the general Midwest rule that one must eat hamburgers, pepperoni pizza, and something carnivorous with every meal, I struggled to find myself in meat-free meal situations.

Oh, hey, a salad.

Add to the fact that my choice to go vegetarian was simply because I didn’t like meat – no animal rights, no medical reasons – people weren’t exactly eager to accommodate me.

Throughout the years, it got easier, as I became old enough to cook for myself (and by “cook” I mean I ate a lot of cereal, soup, and flour tortillas with melted cheese) and as more restaurants and people began to accept the vegetarian lifestyle.

There were still plenty of instances where I could only order a salad or pasta at a restaurant. I attended my fair share of weddings where I had to fill up on side dishes and desserts. And there weren’t many barbecues or events where I didn’t have to get by eating a bun or a cheese sandwich.

But it got better.

Oh, but that joy was short-lived.

Modern Vegetarianism – It Doesn’t Exist
Nowadays, one can’t simply be a vegetarian, at least not in public. One must be vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and who knows what else is yet to come.

I’ve noticed this at restaurants and in the presence of others. Menus now have vegan and gluten-free options – but, oddly, not much simple vegetarian. When people hear of my food preferences, they used to ask if I was one of those vegetarians who still ate chicken or fish. Now, it’s typically often followed with the assumption I also don’t eat eggs or cheese or gluten.

Sigh. Sorry to disappoint, I’m “just” a vegetarian. I just don’t want the cute and cuddly animal flesh, everything else is fair game. In fact, I love to eat all the foods.

As one can imagine, mostly by the fact I’m even writing this blog, this annoyance has been building up for awhile now.

Salad and More Salad
I was recently at a conference where my annoyance spilled out. The conference was very inclusive in terms of catering to all types of food preferences. Those of us who noted dietary preferences were told we could pick up our lunches in a special area. My badge even noted Vegetarian on it, so I was pumped, thinking I’d actually get a vegetarian meal.

As the aging but still somewhat loveable Coach Corso says, “Not so fast.”

Oh, hey, another fucking salad.

All the “special lunches” were lumped into one. The vegetarian option was also vegan, dairy-free, and gluten-free. So guess what it was, both days? A salad. Day one, a salad. Day two, another fucking salad.

Sigh. I’m back to the days of a vegetarian being offered a tired old salad. Because, when accommodating vegans, celiacs, and lactose folks, there really aren’t any other options.

Being a vegetarian no longer means I can have a sandwich with veggies and cheese. Or a breakfast burrito with eggs and avocado. Even pasta with veggies, nope that’s no longer available.

For someone who simply doesn’t like meat, yet still loves eggs, cheese, bread, pasta, and pretty much everything else, it’s tougher than ever to be a vegetarian. “Just” a vegetarian.

Any other fellow vegetarians out there? High-fives! Vegans, dairy-free, and Celiac folks, you know I’m not hating on you. If nothing else, I hope my Celiac peeps know I’ve got your back with people mistakenly thinking a gluten-free diet is nothing more than that – a diet. If only the world had space for all of us…maybe one day.

Do you eat vegetarian or vegan, need to eat dairy-free or gluten-free? What are the struggles you have with it? The comments are all yours so please leave one.

Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, or subscribe to this blog so you get every week’s story sent straight to your inbox.

How to Get Past Mom Guilt – Advice from Mindy Kaling

“You have to make a choice – it’s either your daughter or me.”
“My daughter.”

Fellow fans of The Office (U.S. version) might recognize that quote as one of Kelly Kapoor’s crazy approaches to relationship management. Spoiler: Daryl make the right choice. The second quote belongs to him.


In the back bc I had to stand for Mindy – I was too excited to sit down.

Last week, I attended a conference where the closing speaker was none other than Kelly IRL, Mindy Kaling. Among her many accolades, Mindy’s a writer and a first-time mom, so she and I have lots in common (yes, I’m being intentionally absurd with that statement).

Another thing we have in common – along with virtually every other mother in the world? Mom guilt.

What is Mom Guilt?
Non-technically speaking, mom guilt is the phenomenon of moms feeling guilty about doing anything that doesn’t involve being a mom. Working mom guilt, workout mom guilt, dinner with your girlfriends mom guilt, going to the bathroom alone mom guilt – really, nothing’s off-limits here.

In a world where fathers are doing more to split parenting and household duties (or I’m just lucky and my husband kicks ass in this arena), along with the world shoving “self-care” down our throats, it’s kind of crazy that mom guilt still exists. But it’s real.

And it’s no longer just for moms. I know many fathers out there feel the dad guilt from time to time.

A Different Perspective
At the end of Mindy’s talk, she opened the floor to audience questions. One woman, another new mom, asked her how she deals with feelings of mom guilt for being such a badass working mother.

Her response was one I’d never heard before, yet it was obvious, while also being super real.

In not these exact words, Mindy basically said that she reminders herself that her mother worked and how much she admired her for doing that. There were nights she wouldn’t see her mom but she was proud of her for working.


Will Abel be proud that his mom does this? Not sure but I love it & it’s good for me.

That really resonated with me.

Make Them Proud
I work. I run and pace races. I take trips with girlfriends. I lift heavy weights. I write this blog. These are all things that both are great for me and take time away from my son.

I have no idea what kinds of things my son will find cool when he grows up, but I hope that these things, these things that sometimes give me #momguilt, make him proud. I hope the fact that I pursue these other things in life, that I work hard to enjoy life and be happy, I hope he’s proud of his mom.

Of course, this will never erase the mom guilt. Hell, I sometimes even get wife guilt for many of these same things, even though I’ve learned that getting up early is the best way to fit it all in.

But I’m going to start viewing it through a different lens, one that reminds me the life I have outside of my family is one where they – hopefully – are proud of me.

Okay, moms and dads – spill it. Tell me what gives you the guilt, but now spin it and tell me how those things can be good examples for your children. The comments are all yours so please share.

Connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, or subscribe to this blog so you get every week’s story sent straight to your inbox.

Monday Motivation – Wellness Tips for September

It’s the first week of the month which means it’s a #wednesdaywisdom blog week. However, I’m going to be away at a conference this week so I wanted to post before I leave.

Last month, technical difficulties shook up Wednesday Wisdom and pushed it to #thursdaythoughts. If you missed that one, read now for stories about feeling confident and good about yourself. So let’s keep this party going – I bring to you #mondaymotivation.


Need motivation? I’ve got some thoughts for you.

Ironically, I’m not someone who believes in motivation. I believe we make choices – period. However, I know most (normal) people love the concept of motivation, and the encouragement and inspiration it brings. In that spirit, here are three quick workout motivation tips.

1. Six Reasons Why Health and Fitness Resolutions Fail
Read these six reasons why fitness resolutions fail to help avoid that same fate and set yourself up for success.

2. How to Make an Exercise Program Stick – Change Your Mindset
Looking for tips to create a healthy lifestyle? It doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen magically. A big piece of it comes down to a shift in mindset.

3. The Myth of Motivation
I had to. I couldn’t avoid a reminder that you can’t rely on motivation – you have to make good choices to be healthy, fit, and well. There is no secret to getting motivated. You either do shit or you don’t.

Do you have questions or topics I can address with a #wednesdaywisdom blog or in a new, full blog? The comments are all yours to ask questions, share ideas, or, you know, just leave a comment – so do it, please.

Or, connect with me on @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, and make your life easier by subscribing to this blog – you’ll receive every new post straight to your inbox.

No Runner Achieves Anything Alone

“Together, everyone achieves more.”

Running is, for the most part, a solo sport/activity. It’s up to each individual runner to stick to goals, get in the miles, and run his or her best race on event day.

One of the reasons I enjoy running is because of this solo aspect. I enjoy the “me” time of my runs and if I succeed or fail at my goal on race day, it’s on me.

As a goal-oriented achiever, I love the sole credit I can take for a job well done.
As someone who’s all about taking personal responsibility for what happens in life, I love the sole blame I take when I come up short.


A few of my wonderful ladies who support me through and through

But, recently, it occurred to me how much runners actually depend on others to achieve their goals. I’m not referring to school-age or professional runners who compete in relays, that sort of thing, I mean the average adult who chooses to run, for their health, weight management, or for the joy of race days.

Support in Training
When I was training for Grandma’s Marathon, my first full marathon since having my son a year earlier, I was nervous as to how I was going to fit in all the runs, while still taking care of my family. Turns out, I needed help from others to achieve this goal.

First and foremost, my husband had to be supportive. And I don’t mean he had to “watch” Abel so I could run. Abel’s his son, that’s just him being a parent. He had to be willing to adjust his workout schedule and time to help me accommodate runs. Even if I got up at 4 a.m. to do every run before the day begun, I still had to rely on my husband to be home to watch Abel on the monitor in case something happened.

I also needed my family to be supportive. My in-laws and my parents stepped in to babysit Abel when Chris was gone or our schedules otherwise didn’t work out to .

My work family was also supportive, particularly my boss at the time. He was more than understanding of my request for added flexibility to extend beyond the typical reasons to leave early like appointments and include running.

Then there’s the emotional side of support. My husband, family, and work all supported the emotional needs I had as a runner. This is also where my friends stepped in the most.

Of course I couldn’t leave out my friends; they were also super supportive. A few of us were training for various races at the same time and would frequently check in and share our ups and downs. We were each other’s biggest cheerleaders up to and on race day.

Support on Race Day
Speaking of race day, there’s another supportive group of people in the running community that exist for the sole purpose of helping others achieve their goals: pacers.


The funnest way to run a race

A recent poll of my runners of Instagram and Twitter showed a majority of runners don’t run with pace groups – makes sense. But people don’t have to run in pace groups to benefit. There are reasons to run with a pacer and reasons not to. I’ve had plenty of people tell me they’ve pushed themselves to catch up with me in that last mile of the race – and I love it when they pass me before the finish line.

I love being a pacer. It doesn’t get much better than knowing you helped a fellow runner achieve his or her goal on race day or just made their experience better by being there. The hugs and high-fives, the thank-yous and smiles, plus, the sheer fun of participating in lots of races – it’s a pretty great gig.

No, I’m not only giving the shoutout to pacers because I am one. It’s because I really have seen, heard, and experienced the impact they have on runners, ever since my first time running as a pacer.

It’s true that no one achieves anything alone. And as much as running is an individual sport, others are needed for every runner to accomplish goals.

Runners or those who support runners – do you agree? What other examples do you have for runners being supported in different ways?

The comments are your space so please leave one. Or connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter, and please subscribe to receive a weekly blog right to your inbox.

Stay Positive When Setting Health and Fitness Goals

“Replace negativity with positivity.”

Goal-setting is among the best methods to stick with healthy habits for the long-term. A combination of small, short-term goals and larger, long-term goals can combine to keep up a healthy lifestyle.

Oh, how I love goals. Not shocking to anyone who has read this blog, even occasionally. With all the love I have for goals, certainly there’s no way a bad goal could exist…is there?

Good Goal or Bad Goal
When digging deeper into goal-setting, there is something that separates a goal from more likely to achieve and not so likely to achieve. And it’s not what one might think.


Positive vibes from 311 & a bestie.

Surely, setting a goal to lose 5 pounds in a month is more realistic than losing 25 pounds in a month. But that’s not what I’m talking about. This isn’t about a good, realistic goal vs. a bad, unrealistic one. And I’m certainly not in a position to tell anyone their goal is bad – if your goal is to lose 25 pounds in a month and you have a solid strategy to do so, I’ll be here with high-fives.

What I’m talking about is one simple rule everyone can apply to goals to make them more achievable: Positivity.

Positive Thoughts Make a Difference
Mindset matters. A positive mindset compared to a negative one can make a big difference in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. In a recent blog, I shared how to have a better run by finding the positive moment (there’s always something). For this reason, positivity is key in attaining goals.

Specifically, positivity focused on yourself. My favorite band, 311, is all about positivity – they sing about it, they live it, and they’re so right on. Whenever we set goals or are looking to improve, it’s so easy to start the conversation with a negative thought. Ugh, I suck at planning ahead meals. Damn, why can’t I get my ass to the gym after work.

When setting goals, try not to point out something negative about yourself. Instead, turn it around and give the goal a positive vibe.


Having fun & working out with friends – keepin it positive.

Keep It Positive
For example, here are a few different ways one could look at the two areas of self-improvement noted above.

1. Instead of this as the basis for a goal:
I will stop being so last-minute with meals.

Try this:
I will work on better planning and prepping for meals.

From there, you could set a SMART goal, like:
I will plan ahead and prep at least two

Another example.

2. Instead of this:
I need to stop being so lazy after work and get to the gym.

Try this:
I will focus my energy and plan ahead to go straight to the gym after work instead of going home.

The SMART goal could then be:
I will go to the gym after work for at least 30 minutes, at least three times this week.

Healthy and Happy
It’s simple, yes. But goals are meant to reinforce healthy, positive changes. And healthy starts within ourselves. Let’s not use goals as another opportunity to beat ourselves up – pretty sure most of us do that enough already, amiright?

Let’s instead use goals to harness positive vibes and energy. Is it a guarantee that a positive mindset will help everyone achieve their goals? Of course not…but why not try? There really isn’t anything to lose except negativity.

Do you try to put positive emphasis on your goals? Do you have any other tips that lend themselves to more successful goals?

The comments are your space to share thoughts so please do so. Or, connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter.

Skip Headphones for Running – And What to do Instead

“It’s all in your head.”

Running without headphones – I’m a big fan. I can’t tell you the last time I wore headphones on a run. Nothing new, I’ve blogged about this before, both why I enjoy it and the benefits of running without headphones – safety, mindfulness, all of it.

Then, this past weekend, a few of us were out for dinner and the topic came up. My bro-in-law seemed less curious about why and more interested in what – as in, what the hell do you do all those minutes if not filling them with music, a podcast, or other noise in each ear.

I started thinking about running without headphones and the different ways I use that time. Typically, I always think about food – what I’m going to eat after my run, obviously. But there are plenty of other things I take the opportunity to do and think about when not filling my head with noise from a device – and you can, too.

From morning runs to evening runs, from runch to race-day, here are three things you can do during each run when you don’t have headphones.


Good conversation with this dude.

Morning Runs
Arguably the most difficult and the most rewarding (for me anyway), the morning run is an opportunity to start off the day in the best way possible. Here’s how skipping headphones helps.

1. Wake up: Quite simply, morning runs without headphones are a chance to wake up in a peaceful, yet energizing way. Take in the fresh air, let the body warm up – and do it all in a calming way, without upbeat music blasting through your ears.

2. Gratitude: There’s something about quiet mornings, birds, and sunrise that has a way to make a person feel grateful. For those who practice daily gratitude (or those who don’t but would like to), the morning run is a great time to be, consciously and intentionally, grateful for another new day.

3. Prioritize: There’s a lot to do every day, right? A morning run is a great opportunity to start with a clear head and prioritize the day.

Evening Runs
After a long day, there are few things in life better than an evening run (for me anyway). Before Abel arrived, I used to look forward to my evening run and I still do on days there’s enough time to bring him along. As running is a big stress coping strategy for me, here’s how doing it without headphones is really beneficial.

1. Unwind: Good days, bad days, let’s be real – every day is filled with some crap. An evening run is a good opportunity to think about the crap once more but then let it go. Because there are more important things in life with which to fill that headspace.

2. Simmer down: Along with letting go of crap, there are plenty of things on any given day that really get to us, to our core. Maybe a coworker did something rude. Perhaps a spouse didn’t put away the laundry. Whether big or small, things get to all of us. Take this time to simmer down and maybe you can let go of that crap, move on, and be happier.

3. Resolve conflicts: Or, if you can’t let go of the crap or it needs to be resolved, think about what you want to say to that person, how you want to show up to address that conflict. Running is seriously the best time to reflect, gather the right thoughts, rehearse the conversation, then be ready to deal with it rationally.

Lunch Runs – Runch
I’m new to running at lunch – runch as I shared in a recent blog. It’s the rarest of all runs (for me anyway) but offers big-time benefits when forgoing headphones.

1. Reprioritize: Similar to the morning run, thinking time during a runch can help to collect one’s thoughts, mid-day now that some of the clutter has been cleared out, and re-prioritize the rest of the workday – because, things come up. Always.

2. After-5 Thoughts: Beyond work tasks, runch is a great time to prioritize those precious evening, off-work hours.

3. Me-Time: Between meetings and coworkers, customers and phone calls, or kiddos and playgroups, most people don’t get much solo, distraction-free time during the day. Runching without headphones to take in a few valuable moments that are just you – think about something or think about nothing. It’s your time.


No headphones meant we heard our friends cheering us on.

Race Day
Perhaps the easiest and most fun day to leave the headphones at home, here’s how no music can enhance the event-day experience, whether a 5k, 10 mile, or full marathon.

1. Talk…to Strangers: When I pace, I love talking with other runners. I love hearing where they’re from, why they’re running, what’s inspiring them, all of it. Sadly, I don’t get to do this with most runners on the course, as most wear headphones. It’s totally cool that most choose to wear headphones but, even when I’m not pacing, I love chatting during a run, for many of the same reasons.

When my friend, Maggie, chose to skip her headphones at Grandma’s Marathon, I loved it because that gave us 4-plus hours of friendship time – not talking the whole way or talking about much at all, really, but just having each other’s ear and attention.

2. Keep On the Goal: Running without headphones is great for keeping a pace and consistent breathing to have the best run. It’s easy to throw off cadence and pace every time a new song comes on – whether the beat is faster or slower – and never really settle into a solid pace and breathing rhythm. Sure, music can motivate, but it’s mindfulness of breath and step that makes for a great run.

3. Be There: There’s a lot to enjoy during a run and being fully present, sans-headphones, is the best way to take it all in.

Why do you run without headphones? What types of thinking do you do?

The comments are all yours so please leave one. Or connect with me @lindsayinreallife on Instagram or @LindsayIRL on Twitter.


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