This is a post with information nobody asked me for and nobody needs. With an intro like that, buckle up for some good stuff.

On my mind today – and every day, really – is health and wellness. Recently, I was thinking about how people can over-complicate things. It started with learning more about Gen Z’s skin care obsession and has been amplified by seeing an absurd amount of ads for diet programs, weight loss consultants, and wegovy.

People seem to be on a constant and endless quest for health and wellness hacks, secrets, and tips.

But, the reality is, there’s no amount of hacks or tips that will lead to wellness. There aren’t secrets that everyone else knows about except you. It’s a lot of common sense; doing things you already know about but aren’t doing, or maybe aren’t doing consistently enough.

Everyone’s unique factors and personal situations can add challenges for some more than than others. But the basics are simple, there’s no need to over-complicate.


Exercise doesn’t need to be HIIT or running a marathon – it’s walking.

To try to be helpful, I’ve compiled 5 go-tos for common sense health and wellness. This is the information nobody asked for and nobody needs…because you probably already know it. Enjoy!

1. Exercise consistently
From chronic conditions to perimenopause symptoms, virtually every health issue can be helped – and, in some cases, solved or prevented altogether – by exercising. It also helps our sleep, improves our mood, and brings about a million more benefits.

Going for a walk, lifting weights, or any activity that gets you moving and a little sweaty is incredibly good for your health and wellness. You know this. So do it.

2. Cook real food
Right up there with exercise, eating real, non-processed food is almost always the solution to the problem. What’s not the solution? The latest diet fad or shelling out big bucks for consultants, programs, and products.

Eating real food – cooked at home more often than not – like vegetables, whole grains, eggs, and fruit, is incredibly good for your health and wellness. You know this. So do it.

3. Drink water
If I were to identify a trifecta of common sense health and wellness, water would be the third pillar. There are so many beverages that add poison, sugar, and other bad stuff to our bodies, while water is clean and powerful.

Drinking water is incredibly good for your health and wellness – including that of your skin (looking at you, Gen Z). You know this. So do it.


Cooking at home is good for your financial health, too. Win-win!

4. Save don’t spend
Financial is one pillar of the greater health and wellness picture that doesn’t often get talked about. Considering how much a person’s financial stress and clutter (i.e. too much stuff) affects sleep, mood, and overall health, financial wellness should be talked about more. But, we live in a world of industrial complexes, a world that wants us, trains us, and pressures us to spend.

Saving your money rather than spending it is good for your health and wellness. You know this. So do it.

5. And for the love of all things, put away your damn phone
Social media is killing your mental health. Endless scrolling is counterproductive to mindfulness. And all that screen time isn’t helping you fall or stay asleep.

Phones and devices are destroying our health and wellness. Of all the common sense I’ve shared, this is the one that we all really know. So, please, get off social media and put away your damn phone.

There you have it. Everything you ever wanted to know about how to get healthier and improve wellness…that you already knew.

That’s enough for now. Until next time,


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