Let’s Keep Running the Miles for Mark

Imagine something in your life that is the essence of who you are and root of many of your proudest moments. Now, think about a person who had the most significant impact on that something. Regardless of your “something”, the person is probably a parent, maybe a...

The Work and the Rewards of Running

“What you put in, you get back.” Another Fargo Marathon has come and gone. It feels strange writing about the Fargo Marathon with fall feels and scenes all around. This race, my favorite race, typically takes place in May. While hopefully temporary, this changing of...

When Just Showing Up is a Victory

“Step up, show up, never give up” I’ve been known to be competitive, both with myself and with others. Part of it is I enjoy pushing to always be my best, even when it comes to workouts. The other part is I believe competing against others makes us better....

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