A Fitness Blog – and a Mommy Blog

“Write what you know” Ever since I started blogging four and a half years ago (that’s a long time but it feels like even longer!) I’ve enjoyed it. I love to write, and I love to run, work out, and be well – and, most of all, I love to write about things I love to do –...

Working Hard to Work Out

“Gotta work harder” I have a confession to make. Throughout the first few weeks of my pregnancy I had FOMOR – Fear Of Missing Out on Running, which I’ve blogged about before. I saw someone out running or posting about a race on social media and I wished I could still...

How to Meal Prep – Baby Style

“Meal prep is the new fast food” Something occurred to me recently. As a new mom, I’ve spent probably hundreds of hours breastfeeding. Up until I went back to work a few weeks ago, I pretty much breastfed exclusively, with the exception of the nighttime bottle we...

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