3 Things I Learned at JoeFitness

“I have no idea what’s going to happen. And I love it.” As The Great Experiment continues (for those of you who are new to the blog, it’s my four week break from running), I’ve been using my newfound free workout time to mix up my routine, lift more, let my muscles...

What a Runner Thinks About During a Run

“And now, deep thoughts.” A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to submit some thoughts for the Runner’s World podcast. The topic: Thoughts runners have while running. I had to bring my phone with me during a run, then every mile or two, stop to record what I had...

Coach, Author and OCR Enthusiast – Logan Harpool

“Mediocre efforts achieve mediocre feats. Extraordinary efforts achieve extraordinary feats.” A bold quote from a bold guy. Yes, it’s time again for a feature of an awesome fit friend in my series of interviews on the blog. A couple years ago I worked for an obstacle...

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